• 514 267-0957
  • plaplante@pelcan.ca
  • Montréal (Qc)



    Conference given at the Canadian Institute in October 2016, by Pierre Laplante and Mr Jarle Lovlin, Architect at Diamond Schmitt Architects

    27th edition the Construction Superconference
    October 18-19, 2016

    October 18-19, 2016

    ‘’ The construction industry is facing several complex challenges. Presented by the Canadian Institute, the 27th edition of the construction superconference is presented with the aim of engaging professional coming from different fields.‘’ Learn more

    MM. Jarle Lovlin and Pierre Laplante presentation content

    Project delivery according to the IPD (Integrated Project Delivery) method has been used in the US for several years and was introduced in Canada in recent years (Saskatchewan, Ontario).

    Several major projects are currently underway in this innovative way, using very close collaboration between all stakeholders, introduction of innovative contractual and commercial aspects as well as massive use of BIM technology and LEAN Construction process.

    The presentation of Mr. Jarle Lovlin and Pierre Laplante refers to concrete realization of IPD projects in Ontario into which Diamond Schmitt Architects have been fully involved.


    The Institute of Internal Auditors logo

    Conference given at the Symposium on the Governance of Major Projects – May 14th -15th, 2019

    Conference Content

    University of Montreal/ Bureau of Internal Verification
    Construction of the Science Complex / Campus MIL (Outremont Site)
    Audit of the mechanisms used for monitoring the quality of works

    The main challenges are related to the project scope, which includes several specialties and a large number of specialized construction activities whose efforts in quality control must be concerted.
    In this context, the audit work requires a highly methodic approach to identify, validate and confirm the efficiency of all the processes planned and implemented by the project teams.

    Thus, the presentation focuses on the methodology used to identify the mechanisms for monitoring the quality of the work, their documentation, their practical application and the follow-up activities carried out by the stakeholders regarding the observations raised by the control process quality.


    Lunch Panel

    Moderator : Mr. Pascal Théoret, Director, University of Montreal/Bureau of Internal Verification
    Panelists : Mr. Jean-Claude Champagne, Engineer and Architect; Mr. Jeffrey Plant, Technical Director – New Samuel-de-Champlain Bridge, Signature on the Saint-Laurence Group; Mr. Pierre Laplante, Gestion Pelcan

    Thematics related to the realization of major construction projects:

    • Governance
    • Project Risk Management
    • Quality Management
    • Cost, Scope and Time Management

    Pierre Laplante
    Gestion Pelcan inc.
    Montreal (Qc)
    514 267-0957

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